


Our Team

Podcast Cover Art: Jacqueline - YouTube | Behance | Instagram
Podcast Logo: Arthur - Behance | DeviantArt | Facebook
Music: All Good Folks via Music Vine - Website | Soundcloud | Twitter
Stings: via Envato Elements

Colored Folklore - Allies


Our Sponsors

If you would like to sponsor the show, if you are a podcast interested in being featured on the show, if you're a business or an artist or have some type of trailer, audio or video or both, that you'd like for Colored Folklore to showcase, PLEASE visit our Contact page, and get in touch with us!


Our Collaborators

Olivia: Behance | Etsy
Sandhya: LinkedIn | Website


Our Community

Coming soon, we hope to bring you links to multiple charities, organizations, businesses, groups, vendors, and communities, locally and world-wide. If you
would like to be featured on this page or are interested in any of the above or
would like to start a dialogue about anything and everything, please visit our
Contact page and get in touch with us!